Wedding invitations- Creative invites

April 29, 2023

Couples are looking out for unconventional invitations that convey much more than traditional invitations did in the past. We talk to two Invitation Card designers, Puneet Gupta and Radhikka Pitti.

Invitation card designer Puneet Gupta enjoys showing the wide variety of cards he has designed over the years. He says joyfully:  “One that is really close to my heart was a virtual reality-based wedding invitation that we created for a destination wedding in Bahrain. Having a traditional wedding invite with calligraphic fonts has now been surpassed by wedding invites with quirky fonts and funky elements, like Ganesha playing chess, and so on.  With this thought in mind, we stumbled upon the idea of working on a VR-based wedding invitation and it all fell into place. The couple was eager to explore something new and everyone has seen VR-based wedding decorations, VR-based dresses, but a wedding invite was a novel idea,” says Gupta.

In a telephonic conversation, Radhikka Pitti says: “Cards have become more intimate.” With the pandemic hitting the wedding industry hard, the importance of digital invites has become more relevant. As weddings are happening on a small scale, people are opting for digital invites, but lately Pitti has made digital invitation cards for large weddings too. “It’s becoming more eco-friendly and more sustainable,” she says. She has been creating a lot more digital invites than physical invites, unlike in the past. “Earlier if we did 10 cards, then 9 would be physical and 1 was digital, but now 9 are digital and 1 is physical. Everything has changed,” she says. 

Puneet Gupta shares his story. “After graduating from college, I went on to launch my studio in an unorganised invitation market where invitations beyond paper were not much accepted. Thus, it was a hard way to dig your own path and to make people accustomed with a new thought process in terms of invitation etiquette and style, which was far more evolved in trend and at par with what the west was doing.”


Pitti also talks of a few of her handmade designs. She had designed a traditional card with a modern touch, where UV coating was used on all the thin lines used to make BALAJI. In another, lasercut style, she used delicate flowers cut in the shape of tilak for a card. 

Pitti says: “I love playing with monotones and bringing out the detail and beauty by embossing designs like flowers, and so on.” In another card, she used a chip to play temple music.

Puneet Gupta also makes VR-based invites, origami-based invites, 3D pop-up book invites, and so on. He says that the thought of creating something different keeps them going.

 “Every client wants to have a specialised and unique wedding invitation. And this is what drives our creative instinct,”says Gupta. The process leads him to discover new paths and unexplored concepts. “There is a sense of tradition but it has been predominated by the urge of modernity," he adds.

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